Oat straw is rich in calcium and synergistic minerals and vitamins needed for building and maintaining healthy bones.
Oat straw nourishes the pancreas, liver and adrenals and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. It reduces cholesterol and improves circulatory functioning.
Oat straw is also a nervine, which nourishes strong nerves, helps people deal with stress (Vitamin B complex), maintains restful sleep patterns and reduces the frequency and duration of headaches.
Oat straw is said to ease bladder spasms, incontinence and uterine pain.
Herbal tinctures or extracts are a way to extract and preserve the medicinal qualities of plants.
Our tinctures are made with organic or ethically wildharvested plant materials. This tincture is Glycerine based which makes it suitable for children and diabetics.
All our Aldantina Herbal Remedy Products are 100% Natural. They do not contain any chemicals, preservatives or artificial colours.
Disclaimer: This statement and others about the use of herbs and healing oils have not been proven – Herbology has been practiced for many years and the outcomes have all varied. Please do not think that this is a cure all for all. A Doctor should still be contacted in most medical conditions. Please use on a small area first to assure the user is not allergic to an ingredient.
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